01635 510500
Open Evening:Thursday 12th September 2024 from 4pm-7pm
Open Classrooms: 17th & 20th Sept / 1st, 15th & 18th Oct at 9.15am - 10.45am
Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in 2011 to assist schools in addressing the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers.
All schools have been allocated additional funding to work with learners who have been registered for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM). School also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, children of service personnel and those who are adopted. The intended effect of this funding is to accelerate progress, raise attainment and support the learners in participation in activities in the wider curriculum. Schools decide how the allocated pupil premium funding should be spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provisions should be made for these learners. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being allocated and the impact of any additional support or provision.
At Trinity School, we have used the Pupil Premium funding to implement a wide range of strategies and support learners to maximise their attainment in school and reach their potential.
We seek to use the resource of the Pupil Premium to support disadvantaged students in making good progress and provide them with the means required to reach their full potential.
We are ambitious to reduce the difference between the progress of our disadvantaged students compared with non-disadvantaged students nationally. It is through a multifaceted approach that we seek to ensure excellent progress for all our students. Informed by national research, we understand the key factors in achieving this are a relentless drive to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom which is underpinned by strong pastoral support.
Our support and interventions are planned around three key areas: Teaching, Targeted Academic Support & Wider Strategies in line with the Education Endowment Foundation guidance. We are research-driven in the support and interventions we put in place, both through our own research and experience and that of the EEF, which helps, guide us in our decisions around where to fund support and interventions.
At Trinity, we have often taken the view that approaches and interventions need to embed and develop over time. Whilst the report has always been re-written and reviewed annually, this update has been developed with a longer-term view in mind, aiming for interventions to be sustained year on year, subject to them showing promise in meeting the desired outcomes.
The role of the Pupil Premium Champion is a good example of this, where the role is viewed as part of a long-term strategy, however, the implementation of the role and development of its focus has changed and adapted as we have become more aware of how best to support our students. Our PP Champions facilitate our ‘Dream Big’ mentoring programme to ensure disadvantaged students reach their full academic potential.
This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending on pupil premium had within our school.