01635 510500
Open Evening:Thursday 12th September 2024 from 4pm-7pm
Open Classrooms: 17th & 20th Sept / 1st, 15th & 18th Oct at 9.15am - 10.45am
There may still be occasions when we need to revert to remote learning, this could be for a whole class or cohort or for individual students. We use the Virtual Learning Environment - Firefly to facilitate our remote learning offer. This can be accessed from our website on the homepage by clicking on the mortar board icon. All our students have access to Microsoft Office 365 through Firefly. In addition all parents have a Firefly account which they can access to see their child's homework as well as see letters, reports and communication from school. If you are unsure of how to log on please contact your child's tutor.
There are a number of useful documents below which set our remote learning offer and support the smooth running of remote learning