
The library is a busy, vibrant space which welcomes all students to engage with learning. Learning takes many forms in the library, for example, reading fiction books, completing homework, playing chess and board games, and much more. All students are welcomed and supported in their learning by an experienced librarian who is able to help with research skills, recommending books, and studying across the curriculum.

In conjunction with the English department, all our students in Years 7 and 8 use the Accelerated Reader scheme. This enables students to monitor their own progression and therefore take control of their reading development. Accelerated Reader is used during fortnightly library lessons which encourage reading for pleasure as well as building literacy, confidence, and a variety of other skills.

The library regularly welcomes around 100 students during both break and lunch times every day. Students are also welcome to use the library for homework, quiet reading, and clubs after school.

Among the events in the library are:

  • The Hampshire Book Award – best new book published chosen by KS3 students across Hampshire, Berkshire, and the surrounding areas
  • Shadowing of the Carnegie Book Award – this award is popular across the UK and celebrates the best new children’s or young adult book
  • Celebration of World Book Week
  • Chess Club
  • Book Club - a relaxing after school club to discuss books, take part in book awards, and meet other keen readers
  • Author visits – students from different years and abilities are invited to experience meeting an author in person
  • The Big Read – an event where all KS3 students read the same book before taking part in related activities across the curriculum, and the author comes to visit 


Amongst all these exciting developments with students, the library also has an important role to support staff to maintain outstanding teaching. The support comes in many forms including the dissemination of resources, providing new school-wide online products and professional literature.

Accelerated Reader Login Page

Oliver Online Library System

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