

We are very proud of all we achieve in our school.  Our mission is to provide excellent education for all and dramatically improve the lives of our children and young people by providing high-quality education and experiences.


To achieve our mission we expect our children and young people to:

  • have high expectations in all they do
  • respond positively to challenges
  • develop a love of learning that remains a lifelong legacy
  • take increasing responsibility for their own learning
  • show respect for each other and their environment.

In support of this quest for excellence our school:

  • provides the highest standards of teaching and learning
  • expects high performance and has high aspirations for all
  • provides personalised support for children and young people where it is needed
  • provides outstanding facilities and the best environment for learning
  • works in partnership across the schools in the Trust
  • combats disadvantage through effective use of pupil premium funding
  • works with parents and carers to engage them in their children’s education

Our Ethos and Values

Our School provides high-quality learning in a safe, caring and purposeful environment that supports children and young peoples’ personal and academic development. We value the diversity that exists within our schools. We recognise the worth of each individual, helping them to develop a positive self-image and a ‘can-do’ attitude.

We equip our children and young people with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to achieve success throughout their education. We prepare our children and young people for roles as tomorrow’s leaders. We inspire them to reach for their dreams, act responsibly on their beliefs and be ready for future success.


Seven Year Learning Journey

At Trinity, we encourage every student to get involved and take every advantage of all that is on offer.  In every classroom our ‘Seven Years at Trinity’ Learning Journey reminds students of all the opportunities available to them, we encourage each tutor group to plot their achievements and milestones and celebrate their own and each others’ success.

British Values

At Trinity School, we actively encourage students to respect British values. We recognise that British Values encompass:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faith and beliefs

At Trinity School we are proud to have the opportunity to educate, shape and provide a safe environment for students to thrive in their education allowing every individual to gain a strong foundation of the values identified on which a successful life within Britain can be achieved.

As such, we design our curriculum provision and extracurricular activities to develop understanding of the four areas identified. We also consider the British values alongside the requirements of the 2010 Equalities Act which ensures that there will be no discrimination at Trinity School against any individual group regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status.


We recognise and promote to our students that as a country we are fortunate to live in a democratic society where many people globally do not have such a privilege. We demonstrate this value through our own democratic processes involving student voice and the student leadership team across all year groups. We organise and promote democratic events within school through election party presentations, local council seminars as well as a focus on democratic issues within our curriculum in subjects such as History and Religious Studies.

‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’

Mahatma Gandhi


The Rule of law

Justice and equality are values that we strive for in Britain and in Trinity School. We expect students to understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people in England are subject to its law. As a school we are committed to upholding the rule of law and defer to public bodies that institute it and we educate students in appreciating that without rules that categorise the freedoms we believe in, these freedoms are put in jeopardy. We work alongside legal bodies through visits, curriculum events, assemblies and PSHE sessions to reinforce the message

‘The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom.’

John Locke


Individual Liberty

At Trinity School we endeavour to provide the opportunity for students to embrace and exercise their individual rights and personal freedoms. As a school we value the contribution that we can make in providing a safe, secure and supportive environment for students to explore their personal freedoms and through high quality education and clear boundaries we empower the students to make informed decisions. We use our curriculum, PSHE programme, assemblies and extra-curricular activities to allow students to learn and explore their individual liberty.

‘I should have loved freedom, I believe, at times, but in the time in which we live I am ready to worship it.’

Alexis de Tocqueville


Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faith and beliefs

Just as Britain is a place where many different cultures, religions, races and groups have lived and co-operated together Trinity School replicates this co-operation and is a place where difference is not only tolerated but celebrated. As a school we have developed the ability to learn from each other, and together we have developed a productive, creative and inclusive learning environment. We nurture a culture of openness and through informed debate, discussion and reflection throughout our curriculum but especially within our Humanities faculty and PSHE opportunities we shall ensure our students become vital members of our tolerant and respectful community.

‘Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one’s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others’

John F. Kennedy

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