Personal, Social, Health and Economic PSHE education at Trinity is designed to provide our students with the knowledge and skills to be resilient young people who thrive in a dynamic world.  Relationships and Sex education (RSHE) is incorporated within our PSHE curriculum and is taught through years 7-13 at age appropriate levels.  Our curriculum for PSHE includes three core themes:

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Relationships
  3. Living in the wider world


PSHE is interlinked with other subject areas such as Art, Languages, PE, Humanities and Religious Education specifically.  In addition to this our PSHE lessons are supported by a range of enrichment activities including our tutor programme, student voice and leadership opportunities, extracurricular events and PSHE Days.

PSHE lessons are delivered fortnightly in timetabled lessons for Year 7, 8 and 11.  There is a weekly lesson for year 9 and year 10.

A variety of strategies are used to deliver PSHE these include group discussions, groupwork as well as talks from visiting speakers and groups.  In Year 10 students have the opportunity to work in teams to support a local charity group.  

PSHE Supports our school motto of ‘Personal Excellence and Collective Responsibility’ through:

Contributing to physical and mental health and wellbeing, encouraging individual responsibility for health.

Informing students on how to safe on line and understanding the risks associated with drugs and alcohol.

Supporting students to understand safe, healthy and respectful relationships.

Opening up opportunities for students to explore their own identities and the communities in which they live

Widening students knowledge of the world around them

Exploring global issues and becoming active citizens who have impact

Building resilience, promoting a growth mind-set and developing student’s confidence in order for them to be successful in their next steps.


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

In 2019 it was announced that it is a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationship and Sex Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum. Due to the pandemic, this date was postponed until the summer term of this academic year. With PSHE [and RSE] a fully established part of our curriculum at Trinity we have been able to deliver many aspects of the new statutory content and meet the needs of our students.

As part of reviewing our existing provision and implementation of Relationship & Sex Education [RSE] curriculum, we regularly consult with parent/carers and students to ensure there is a consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.


Curriculum Map:

6th Form PSHE Overview

The Intent, Implementation and Impact PSHE

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