Open Evening:Thursday 12th September 2024 from 4pm-7pm

Open Classrooms: 17th & 20th Sept / 1st, 15th & 18th Oct at 9.15am - 10.45am

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The Curriculum at Trinity

We are very proud of our curriculum at Trinity; it is the foundation to everything we value in education and promotes our core values of ‘Personal Excellence and Collective Responsibility’.

We believe the curriculum, due to its breadth and careful sequencing of knowledge rich content, provides all students the opportunity to succeed and to successfully move onto the next stage of their life beyond Trinity, either after 5 or 7 years.

Our passionate and knowledgeable subject leaders and teaching staff collaborate frequently on curriculum content and sequencing. Whilst the core concepts underpinning each subject are securely in place, the curriculum is also organic, so that adaptations can be made as appropriate. Further, this enables our teachers to enrich the core curriculum further with, for instance, events and topical matters to build students’ cultural capital further.


Our KS3 curriculum runs across years 7 and 8 and provides a broad and challenging range of subjects, whilst also ensuring curriculum time is weighted to secure the core expectations in English and mathematics, before starting GCSE subjects. At the end of year 8, students will select the subject pathway they wish to continue. We ensure the majority of students follow the rigour of an EBACC pathway by studying a humanities subject and a modern foreign language. We also provide students with the option of specialising in a creative subject from their KS3 experience and encourage them try something new such as Classics or Business Studies. The students are supported through this decision making process through subject assemblies, one to one curriculum interviews with senior staff, options evening, careers meetings, the PSHE curriculum and a PSHE careers day.

A typical curriculum for Key Stage 3

For a small group of students who require extra support with the English and mathematics curriculum, an amended timetable is provided, with Modern Foreign Languages being replaced with Curriculum Support and Intervention lessons (CSI).

At the end of the KS4 qualifications students have the option of applying to attend our high performing sixth form. Please click here for the Sixth Form prospectus. Our sixth form offers a range of pathways studying either A levels or vocational subjects (or a combination of the two) to provide students with the opportunity to move on to university, apprenticeships or employment. Students usually opt for four subjects, although some students study five. There is a wide selection of subjects to choose from – see below:

English Language / English Literature / Maths / Further Maths / Core Maths / Biology / Chemistry / Physics / Geography / History / Religious Studies / Psychology / Sociology / French / German / Spanish / Music / Drama / Dance / Computer Science / Information Technology / Business Studies / Sport / Art / Public Services / Product Design / Catering / Photography

Pastorally, our Sixth form is outstanding; students are provided with support and a range of experiences through the PSHE programme to ensure they are rounded, confident individuals, who are well informed about society and the world. As a result of this careful guidance, we have students who move on to well-reputed universities including Oxford and Cambridge, as well as overseas such as Harvard and Barcelona. For students who want to take an employment pathway once they have completed their qualifications at Trinity, we ensure they find a high performing apprenticeship, or an appropriate form of employment utilising the subjects they have studied.


More Information

Parents/carers and members of the public can find out more about the curriculum at Trinity through the subject pages on this website or by contacting Mr Hanlon, Deputy Headteacher, at

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